Mediawiki uses ImageMagick Utility for resized thumbnail image. You can use it as
$wgUseImageMagick = true; $wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/bin/convert";
in your LocalSettings.php.
There are two reasons why ImageMagick is beneficial.
- It reduces loading time for image file as it stores thumbnail image separately.
- It gives higher quality than GD library.
However, you may encounter following error when shell memory is not allocated big enough.
Error creating thumbnail: libgomp: Thread creation failed: Cannot allocate memory
It is due to small shell memory allocation which is handled by Mediawiki. In this case, you can simply add following in LocalSettings.php
$wgMaxShellMemory = 524288;
524288 means 512K. You can specify it as you desire. [1.]
Resolution of "Memory Allocation Error" when Mediawiki uses ImageMagick.
I just encountered this problem on my wiki site. Thanks for posting this information – your solution worked perfectly for me.
You’re welcome.
excellent tip!
and thank you!
Thanks, after months of hacking around and googleing my ass of you finally gave a good reason for the error and a working solution!
Thanks for posting this, searching the Mediawiki manual was no help. Worked perfectly!